Doberman Pinschers
Our Doberman line goes back to a European that my Father had in the 70's. We remain dedicated to preserving the European line of Dobermans. These guys and girls are wonderful with our children and other animals! They would prefer to lounge and cuddle with you on the couch rather than anything else. We bred for temperament and ability! If you are looking for a guardian over your home, best friend to your kids, amazing travel buddy and a dog that is completely infatuated with you...look no further.
Legacys Baron de Gatlin Vom Altobello
AKC - Genetically Clear on Complete Health Panel - DNA Verified - Black & Mahogany - 125# - Very Sweet Disposition - Gentle, Calm and Kind - Great with People and Kids - He is a giant cuddle bug!

Legacys Gensei Vom Altobello
AKC - Genetically Clear on Complete Panel - DNA Verified - Red & Rust - 86# - Sweet but Protective of her Family - Playful Fun Personality - She is our Goofball of the bunch!